All living beings have the same basic wish to be happy and avoid suffering, but very few people understand the real causes of happiness and suffering. We generally believe that external conditions such as food, friends, cars and money are the real causes of happiness, and as a result we
New Meditation Classes – The Happiness of Inner Peace – starting the week beginning 28th April 2025
The Happiness of Inner Peace When we think about happiness it seems quite a simple subject. It seems very attainable, yet very few people are truly happy. This isn’t through lack of trying, every day millions of people work very hard and spend large sums of money yet they don’t
New Meditation Classes – 8 Steps to Happiness – starting the week beginning 13th January 2025
8 Steps to Happiness When we think about happiness it seems quite a simple subject. It seems very attainable, yet very few people are truly happy. This isn’t through lack of trying, every day millions of people work very hard and spend large sums of money yet they don’t become
New Meditation Classes – Transforming Life’s Difficulties – starting the week beginning 11th November 2024
Transforming Life’s Difficulties Since the world began human beings have spent almost all their time & energy improving external situations in their search for happiness. What has been the result? Instead of their wishes being fulfilled human suffering & problems have continued to increase while the experience of happiness &
New Meditation Classes Solutions for Modern Problems – starting the week beginning 2nd September 2024
Solutions for Modern Problems In recent years our knowledge of modern technology has increased considerably & as a result we have witnessed remarkable material progress but there has not been a corresponding increase in human happiness. There is no less suffering in the world today & there are no fewer