Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre is a thriving Buddhist community based in the Heart of Cheshire and offering a wide range of courses and events.
People from all backgrounds are welcome to take part in the events, courses and classes provided by Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre.
Please look through our website to find out about all our activities. We provide weekly meditation classes throughout Cheshire and beyond! We also organise special day courses where you can learn about meditation and talk to experienced practitioners. We also provide authentic study programmes for those who wish to study the Buddhist way of life in more detail.
Why Everyone Needs Meditation
Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible.
We all wish for world peace, but world peace will
never be achieved unless we first establish peace
within our own minds.Β
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
from the book ‘How To Transform your Life’