Odiyana Buddhist Centre holds classes all across Cheshire. All our evening classes are drop in classes so you do not need to book. For details of venues and nights please select the area from our drop down menu under Meditation Classes, Evening Classes. All our evening classes start at 7.30pm and cost £6 per person per class.
Our evening meditation classes will run from the following dates
Discover Meditation – Runs from the week beginning 28th March 2016 for7 weeks up to and including the week beginning 9th May 2016
Advice for a Happy Life – Runs from the week beginning 30th May for 6 weeks up to and including the week beginning 4th July 2016
Happiness from a Different Source – Runs from the week beginning 29th August 2016 for 6 weeks up to and including the week beginning 3rd October 2016
How to Solve Our Human Problems – Runs from the week beginning 24th October 2016 for 7 weeks up to and including the week beginning 5th December 2016