Odiyana Buddhist Centre will be running evening meditation classes over the summer period.
These will only be running in Northwich at Odiyana Buddhist Centre not at the other venues across Cheshire.
Everyone is welcome to attend and you do not need to book just turn up.
The classes will run on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm.
The dates are as follows
Tuesday 14th July
Tuesday 21st July
Tuesday 11th August
Tuesday 18th August.
There will be a two week break in the middle while the summer festival is on. This means no classes on 28th July and 4th August.
There will also be a week break at the end of August for a retreat. This means no class on 25th August.
Normal evening meditation classes will then start again the week after across Cheshire.
If you need any further information please just call Odiyana Buddhist Centre on 01606 77034.