We fear many things; losing our money, our friends, our reputation. Buddha said that the only thing we need to fear is an uncontrolled mind. If a wild elephant was let loose in a populated area it would cause massive destruction but an uncontrolled mind can cause much more harm. The creator of all our sufferings is an uncontrolled mind.
On this day course we will learn how to let go of our fear by gaining control of our mind.
The teacher of this half day course is Gen Kelsang Varahi – She has been the resident teacher at Vajrapani Kadampa Meditation Centre since 2015 and has been a student of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso for more than 25 years. She is known for her clear, practical approach, her kind good heart and for showing the natural joy that comes from applying Buddha’s teachings in daily life.
All our half day courses start at 10am (so please arrive by 9.50am) and run until about 1.30pm.
They cost £10 per person which includes refreshments.