Prajnaparamita is a female Buddha, who is the manifestation of Buddha’s perfection of wisdom. Her function is to overcome obstacles to our spiritual practice and to bestow upon us the union of great bliss and emptiness. If we rely sincerely on Prajnaparamita we can attain enlightenment in this one short life

The teacher granting this Empowerment is Gen Kelsang Chokyong – Chokyong has been the resident teacher at Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre since 2001. He teaches with great humility and humour. He presents Buddha’s teachings in a practical and down to earth manner, making them accessible to everyone.
The Empowerment starts promptly at 10am (so please arrive by 9.50am) and runs until about 5pm. The cost is £25 per person which includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day.