Buddha Maitreya is the manifestation of the loving kindness of all Buddhas and if we rely on him with faith we will receive his special care in this and all our future lives.

We all have the potential within us for limitless love, by taking this empowerment we can start to ripen this potential

This Empowerment is an opportunity to receive the special blessing empowerment of Buddha Maitreya and to receive teachings on how to develop the mind of limitless love.

The teacher granting the Empowerment is Gen Kelsang Chokyong – Chokyong has been the resident teacher at Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre for 15 years. He teaches with great humility and humour. He presents Buddha’s teachings in a practical and down to earth manner, making them accessible to everyone.

The Empowerment starts at 10am and runs until about 5pm. The cost is £25 per person which includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day.

You can reserve a place on this course by paying a £5 deposit. You can do this either by –

– Clicking on this link Booking & Payments