Happiness and suffering are states of mind and their main cause cannot be found outside the mind. The real cause of happiness is inner peace. If our mind is peaceful we shall be happy all the time regardless of external conditions. If our mind is disturbed or troubled in any way we shall never be happy no matter how good our external conditions are.

This half day retreat is a chance for us to use meditation to develop peaceful and happy minds. We can then carry this peace through our day and eventually our whole life.

The teacher of this meditation retreat is Bruce Robinson – Bruce has been a sincere Buddhist practitioner for many years. He has a soft and gentle approach that lends itself beautifully to this meditation retreat.

The retreat will be in two sessions 10am till 11am and 11.30am till 12.30pm

Due to the current Corona virus lockdown this retreat will take place via live video stream.


The retreat will be streamed through Zoom. To register and pay through Paypal – please click here

The cost is £10 per person.

If you have any technical problems relating to registering for or joining the course please contact us at livestream@meditationincheshire.org or call 07421 878559.