There is no more vital mind for us to nurture than love. This beautiful mind vastly improves our own lives while also helping us to improve the lives of others. Love is not something outside of us. It is a quality we all have naturally within our mind. Through the clear instructions and methods of Buddhist meditation we can learn to access our heart of love, nurturing and expanding it so that we truly bring love into this world. Enjoy guided meditations that help us to develop and maintain a good heart through the practice of loving kindness.
The teacher of this half day workshop is Gen Kelsang Chokyong – Chokyong has been the resident teacher at Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre for 15 years. He teaches with great humility and humour. He presents Buddha’s teachings in a practical and down to earth manner, making them accessible to everyone.
The workshop costs just £8.50 and includes tea and coffee. The workshop starts at 10am and runs till 12.30pm.
You can reserve a place on this workshop by paying a £5 deposit. You can do this either by –
– Clicking on this link Booking & Payments
– Sending a cheque made payable to Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre to 163 Chester Road, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 4AG