Je Tsongkhapa is an emanation of the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri, who spread a very pure Buddhadharma showing how to combine the practices of Sutra and Tantra, and how to practise pure Dharma during degenerate times.
The empowerment is a blissful guided meditation that helps to establish a strong connection with Je Tsongkhapa, and then through his powerful blessings we can draw closer and closer to the happiness of enlightenment.

THE TEACHER GRANTING THIS EMPOWERMENT IS GEN KELSANG DEMA: Gen Kelsang Dema is the resident teacher at Odiyana KMC. She is known for her deep understanding of Buddhist teachings and her ability to convey these teachings with clarity and compassion
The Empowerment start promptly at 10am and run until about 5pm. Please arrive by 9.50am. They cost £25 per person.