We need to think about our own faults skilfully and honestly because if we are not aware of them we will not be motivated to overcome them. We can use other people and all our experiences like a mirror that reflects the faults within our mind. Realizing that the world that appears to us depends on our mind we can learn a lot about ourselves by observing how we react in different situations, particularly in difficult ones.
On this day course we can learn to improve our world by improving our mind.

The teacher of this day course is Rosie McDaniel –Rosy has been a close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for more than 25 years and as a result is an inspiring example of Modern Kadampa Buddhism in practice. She presents the teachings with beautiful clarity, warmth and sincerity, gently guiding people to find within themselves inner peace and lasting happiness.
All our half day courses start at 10am (so please arrive by 9.50am) and run until about 1.30pm.
They cost £10 per person which includes refreshments.