According to Buddha all disease and suffering, mental and physical, are caused by our delusions such as anger. Normally, these delusions feel deeply ingrained. But through connecting to Medicine Buddha we can experience the pure nature of our mind, and heal ourselves of these inner diseases. Medicine Buddha is our spiritual doctor, who helps us to heal both ourselves and others. By receiving this blessing we draw closer to him and gradually develop his qualities.
The Empowerment starts at 9.45am and runs until about 5pm. The cost is £25 per person which includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day.
You can reserve a place on this course by paying a £5 deposit. You can do this either by –
– Clicking on this link Booking & Payments
– Sending a cheque made payable to Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre to 163 Chester Road, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 4AG