Arya Tara is a female Buddha who is a manifestation of the wind element of all the Buddhas. Since the wind element is the nature of movement Arya Tara is very swift in helping and protecting us. β€œTara” means rescuer; If we rely on Tara with strong faith she will care for us throughout this life and all our future lives.

This empowerment is an opportunity to make a strong connection with Arya Tara and receive her powerful blessings.

The teacher granting this Empowerment is Gen Kelsang Chokyong – Chokyong has been the resident teacher at Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre since 2001. He teaches with great humility and humour. He presents Buddha’s teachings in a practical and down to earth manner, making them accessible to everyone.

The Empowerment starts promptly at 10am (so please arrive by 9.50am) and runs until about 5pm. The cost is Β£25 per person which includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day.


Green Tara Empowerment