Life nowadays has become so complicated. The reason for this is that our minds make things harder than they need to be. The way to lead a simple life is to sort out the complexity in our mind. When we can keep our mind calm and peaceful all the time then we will be able to lead a simple life regardless of our external circumstances.
On this day course we will learn how to live a calm and peaceful life.
The teacher of this day course is Liz Neale – Liz has been a sincere practitioner for many years with a wealth of experience of putting these teachings into practice.
All our day courses start at 10am and run until about 5pm.
They cost £20 per person which includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day.
You can reserve a place on this course by paying a £5 deposit. You can do this either by –
– Clicking on this link Booking & Payments
– Sending a cheque made payable to Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre to 163 Chester Road, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 4AG