Transforming difficult conditions is vital because we are constantly surrounded by difficulties. We cannot avoid difficult situations but if we can change our attitude to them they will no longer be problems. We can even use the difficulties to train our mind.
On this day course we will learn how to use the difficulties we face in life to develop great inner strength.
The teacher of this day course is Chris Heyes – Kadam Chris Heyes is the Resident Teacher of Nagarjuna Kadampa Meditation Centre in Leicester. He is a dedicated student of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and has been studying and practising Kadampa Buddhism for over 20 years.
Kadam Chris is married with two children and shows by example how to integrate meditation into a busy family life. His teachings are always practical and easy to apply to everyday life. Through his gentle and joyful approach and his peaceful example, he has helped many people find true happiness in their hearts.
All our day courses start at 10am and run until about 5pm.
They cost £20 per person which includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day.
You can reserve a place on this course by paying a £5 deposit. You can do this either by –
– Clicking on this link Booking & Payments
– Sending a cheque made payable to Odiyana Kadampa Meditation Centre to 163 Chester Road, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 4AG