We have a human life with limitless possibilities that animals don’t have. Whether we realize our full potential or not depends upon our mind. At the moment we only use a small fraction of our mental capacity. It would be such a shame if we didn’t take this opportunity to
Full Day Course – Saturday 21st June 2025 – How to Develop True Self-Esteem
Real self-confidence and self-esteem are beautiful qualities, but very few people understand how to practically develop and increase them. Right now, if we experience some difficulties and problems in our life, we can find ourselves losing our self-confidence and feeling low. If instead, we learn to how encourage ourselves to
Half Day Course – Saturday 17th May 2025 – Freedom From Suffering
Suffering, problems, unhappiness and pain all exist within our mind. They are all unpleasant feelings, which are part of the mind. If we learn to understand our own mind, we can gradually distinguish between those states of mind which bring suffering and those which bring happiness. As Buddha taught, there
Full Day Course – Saturday 22nd February 2025 – Free Your Mind with Wisdom
In his wisdom teachings, Buddha reveals the true nature of reality – emptiness, which opens the door to limitless possibility. Of all Buddha’s teachings, none are more far-reaching and transformative than his teachings on emptiness. It is through our understanding of emptiness that we can come to permanently solve all our problems and be
Half Day Course – Saturday 7th December – Letting Go of Worry – plus an optional 3 course Thai meal
Worry and stress are becoming a very common symptom of modern life. Many people suffer from worry and stress at some time in their life. Stress is the difference between what we want to happen and what is actually happening. If we can change things then there is no need
Half Day Course – Saturday 16th November 2024 – A Heart at Peace
Contentment is true inner wealth. When we are content our heart is at peace with itself and we can handle whatever life throws our way. On this half day course we will learn and practice simple meditations for cultivating contentment and freeing ourself from the craving mind that keeps us
Half Day Course – Saturday 14th September 2024 – Building Resilience
Mental resilience is an inner quality that enables us to remain unruffled in times of difficulty. Without it, we are easily upset and our mental state remains vulnerable whenever things change. On this half day course we will learn how to develop mental resilience and therefore the strength to face