The mysteries of tantra have engrossed countless meditators for centuries.From the time of Buddha these secrets have been passed down from accomplishes master to disciple, largely by word of mouth. Drawing from his own experience & the works of his spiritual guide – Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Kelsang Chokyong will give
Buddha Shakyamuni Empowerment – Saturday 4th November 2023
On this special day Gen Kelsang Chokyong will grant the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni. Through this, we can awaken our spiritual potential and make a special connection to the enlightened beings, the Buddhas. We will also learn how to draw close to and receive deep inspiration from living Buddha
Vajrapani Empowerment – Saturday 5th October 2024
Buddha Vajrapani is the embodiment of the power and skill of all enlightened beings. Although his nature is love, his aspect is fierce to emphasize his ability to empower us to abandon our delusions and negativity. He can help us pacify all obstacles through the force of spontaneous great bliss.
Half Day Course – Taking Control of Your Life – Saturday 22nd June 2024
All our life we have been under the control of our mind like a puppet on a string. Whenever our mind wants to do something we have to do it without choice. If our mind tells us to get angry we get angry. If our mind becomes sad we are
Half Day Course – Life and Death – Saturday 11th May 2024
We all have only one life. When it is gone we cannot buy, borrow or make another. By looking honestly at our life and death in a constructive way we can ensure that we use our life in the most meaningful way. In this way we can live without fear
Half Day Course – Letting Go of the Past – Saturday 9th March 2024
Our past can feel like a millstone around our neck, holding us back in so many ways. On this course learn to let go of all the anger, attachment & resentment that is preventing us from finding lasting happiness & freedom from problems. The teacher of this day course is
Full Day Course – Seeing Through the Illusion – Saturday 17th February 2024
How do things really exist? Are things as solid and real as they seem?Emptiness is the way that things really are. It is the way things exist as opposed to the way that they appear to exist. There is no greater method for experiencing peace of mind and happiness than
Full Day Meditation Retreat – Meditations to Heal the Mind – Saturday 13th January 2024
Life nowadays has become so complicated. The reason for this is that our minds make things harder than they need to be. The way to lead a simple life is to sort out the complexity in our mind. When we can keep our mind calm and peaceful all the time
Half day course with optional 3 course Thai meal – Say Goodbye to Stress – Saturday 25th November 2023
Stress is the difference between what we want to happen and what is actually happening. Whether we like it or not it is happening. If we can change things then there is no need to get stressed. If we can’t change things then there is also no point in getting
Open Day Saturday 7th September 2024
We are delighted to be hosting our annual Open Day for everyone to come and see what we are about. We will be opening our doors at 11am until 3pm. We will be offering free taster meditation classes, children’s classes, a BBQ and a cafe with refreshments and lots of